It would be so easy to pass this week off as frustrating. I had plans. Life bites, and I had to strike each one off the calendar, but I’m not going to focus on that. No point. It’s a fool’s game to yearn cherryade when your sack is full of lemons. I haven’t, but you know what I mean.
Instead, I focused my attention elsewhere. We’ve brought out the autumn decorations and they are adding a warm glow around the place. Mostly handcrafted items, such as pumpkins and toadstools. Also knitted acorns and bees wax covered autumn leaves. I’d like to make some more to go with them.
I’ve kept the Halloween ones back until October, which sparked some talk about what we want to do this Halloween. We love to celebrate it in some way. The children thoroughly enjoyed the party we had last year and want to do something similar. They’d like to help set it up, this time. Including the hovering candles, (which is a real relief for me after last year) but also for me to surprise them. Hmm. I’d be lying if I said that I have no ideas. I have enough up my sleeve for several years, I think. The planning is such fun.
Back to this week. School has taken up a fair amount of time. Eldest has had text books to buy and a timetable to sort out. There were meetings to attend at school, which luckily my husband covered. Usually I go. No bad thing for him to do it for once, although it was a tad frustrating getting everything second hand.
The other two children seem to have settled into the new term with minimal fuss. Youngest has figured out the canteen and classrooms, and made a whole host of friends that I need a white board to keep track of all the names. I’ve successfully covered four school books in sticky back plastic, so far. No wrinkles. Phew.
In the kitchen, I’ve been making apple jelly from our windfalls. Again. Pretty much the story until late November, to be honest. I’m looking forward to turning the Aga back on in the next few weeks, as it’s much easier to bake and multitask with.
I’ve embraced my new cleaning regime. Seems like I’m not alone in upping the cleaning schedule, at the moment. September is a brilliant time, for me, to take on something new. The rest of the family are impressed. I’m enjoying walking into a room and finding order. I still have areas to get under control, but most of the house is looking a lot better. I’ve reached the point where if people popped in, I wouldn’t be embarrassed. What more can I say?
In the evenings, I’ve been giving myself time to read and knit.
I picked up a copy of the Memory Keeper’s Daughter (affiliate link), over the holidays. I’m still getting into it. I’m not sure about it yet. It’s a tale which starts with an unforgiveable lie and follows how the characters deal with it. I probably wouldn’t have chosen it if it didn’t also look at the attitudes to people with Down’s Syndrome in the 60s. We’ll see how it unfolds. Anyone else read it?
Knitting wise, I’ve finished the back of my jumper and almost the front. I’ve surprised myself by going for shorter style jumpers, in the last few months, as I usually wear long ones. A different look for me and I like it.
May need to knit faster as I’ve not succumbed to putting on the heating yet, but I did give in to the demand for thicker duvets. Tad sad this year as their tie dye duvet covers, the children made this summer, are too small for the bigger duvets. Washed, folded and stored away for next year. The first rise in temperature and I’ll have them back on their beds!
We did have one late night visitor. My husband found him/her in the kitchen before we went to bed one night this week. A smooth newt inspecting my nice clean kitchen floor. A few weeks ago we had a sexton beetle (my new favourite beetle – they are amazing!) sitting comfortably on my sewing room chair. Honestly, I don’t know why I go out on nature hunts. I could sit at home and wait for interesting wee beasties to visit me.
So that is my week. I’ve made progress. I feel more on top of things, which is a great feeling. I have sewing plans this weekend, but I’m sure I won’t get away with a whole weekend doing that. I might just make a lemon drizzle cake, in honour of my hypothetical sack of lemons, because, although I don’t have a sack of lemons, I do have a bowlful
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Joining in #wotw with the word progress. What word sums up your week?
Those decorations are fantastic. I love them…It sounds like the kids are settling well in school.
It sounds like you have had a busy week.
I did think about putting the heating on this morning. It seems to have got chilly so quickly this year. #WotW
Thanks Kim. I do love making small projects like these ones. Not sure what to add to them next. Yes, definitely getting chillier. I’m not giving in.
Definitely progress, sounds like a busy week. Glad the children are settling in well at school, and yes, I would find secondhand info from ym husband frustrating, too! September is the time to start new things, it feels so fresh x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
I think September is a good time to start something new. Although, I admit, I think that about a lot of different months too.
Snap! I have got my autumn decorations out too! I love your autumnal garland. I have been cleaning where I can as well. There must be something in the air. I’m glad your children have settled in so well. I can’t wait to hear your ideas for a Halloween party!
More to Halloween than trick and treating.
I like the newt’s brass-rimmed eyes! Sounds like you’re well on the way to coziness.
I wish I’d been able to take more photos. Apparently my floors had passed muster and the newt had other neighbourhood floors to inspect.
Sorry to hear you’ve had a frustrating week, I love you analogy about lemons though. The decorations you have made are just wonderful, I would love an ounce of your crafty talent ! I haven’t read that one but I have read another of Kim Edwards books I picked up from the charity shop called The Secrets of a Fire King which was also a slow read. I love September for having a good old deep clean and sort out too. Have a lovely weekend x
I like that. A slow read. I’ve got a feeling it is going to take a while to get into. Hope your weekend is going well too.
Aww that newt is cute. I am digging your felt autumn bunting, so pretty X #wotw
Oh thank you. We find newts in the garden every once in a while. First one to make it into the house.
In my country its a tradition to cover your notebooks and books with plastic cover. I am very good at this and I miss doing it!
I never thought I will be given a chance to do it again I just need to wait till my son is in high school though
Those decorations are the cutest! I dont have any for autumn nor halloween sadly.
Watch out. You’ll have a queue of people outside your door asking for help covering books. Not all schools or teachers set it as homework. I hope the school you choose will.
What a fab week you have had! I LOVE the decorations. I am in the middle of making a crocheted autumnal bunting, can’t wait to see how it turns out!
Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. x
I am so looking forward to seeing your bunting. Capturing the season in yarn.
I love the photo of the newt and your autumn decorations are so pretty. It’s a shame that the tie dye duvet covers are too small for the winter duvets but something to look forward to when the warmer weather comes around again. #WotW
Yes, it’s something to look forward to next summer and that is no bad thing. I love the change of the seasons and the chance to redecorate.
These are gorgeous! The toadstool is my favourite! #MMBC
That one makes me smile too.