This is our first week of the Easter holiday. It’s been a good start. The weather has been kind and the children have settled down to being a merry band of friends again. They shook off the dust of school. The age and school differences soon diminished. They were ready for adventures again.
I restrict screen time. It’s not perfect, but it does mean that I don’t spend the whole day talking to the backs of their heads. They need to look for other alternatives. We are hugely lucky to be surrounded by woods and fields, on all sides. Places to explore. Spotting nature. Especially as they are old enough to go off by themselves now.
Whether on foot or bike.
So long as they go with at least one other.
The track is suitable for mountain bikes and goes on for about a mile, until you would need a machete to get through. I’m not sending them into the woods with one of those! They have had so much fun this week, riding their bikes and pushing their limits. Each day they show me new bruises and tell me new things they’ve spotted.
New skills they are acquiring from being out there and doing.
They’ve also had fun doing more stone crafting and playing badminton in the garden. They’ve spent a few days helping me to clear the kitchen garden, ready for planting.
It is all action here.
The dogs are loving all the energy this week. Sometimes they join the children. Inbetween, they catch up with sleep. Ready for the next adventure.
Word of the week: Action
Yes, I see what you mean about your week being totally different to mine!
How lovely to have the forest space all around you. When the open space is so close by it really does cat like an extra room in your house. It’s perfect for children growing up isn’t it?
I’m with you on screen time, too. Then again I sometimes think I’m guilty of it as I’m catching up on blogs, but I tell myself that’s different!!
Enjoy your Easter weekend and rest of the hols
I like the way you describe it as an extra room. It’s true. Not so appealing in the colder months, but now it is a very welcome addition. Screen time is always going to be tricky and a compromise. Like all parenting, I think it helps to be consistent. I don’t always get it right.
So lovely to have so much countryside on your doorstep to explore. Glad to hear your children are enjoying getting out and about and having fun during the first week of the Easter holidays. Ours are almost at an end. Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend
I do feel fortunate. When they were learning to cycle it used to be difficult as there are no pavements or paths through parks, so we had to drive to places that did. Our lane is not the place for cycling beginners. Now they are older, the woods are perfect for them to cycle in. They can just go.
What a great word. It looks like you have been out so much. You are so lucky to have so much space and freedom. When I step outside we’re surrounded by roads, houses and dog poo. hehehe
I think they all needed to get out there and enjoy the outdoors. This is the first year they’ve been able to get there bikes down to the track, without a scramble. Still have to contend with dog poo, but if we go away from the village, it is far less. Most people don’t walk far.
Action is a great word. I love that you limit screen time, sometimes I think I need to do that to myself lol #WotW
Ha! So easy to lose time when you are on the computer.
It’s great that you’ve all had a wonderful first week of the school holidays, it really does look thoroughly action packed! It’s great that you limit the kids screen time over the holidays, perfect for encouraging them out into the fresh air and exploring the local area. My lot haven’t been as attached to the screens as they usually are this Easter Holidays, I’m sure the sun has had something to do with that.
Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids
Screen time is always restricted, but it’s less contentious when outside is so appealing, for sure. I’m so glad that they are enjoying being out and about.
This looks like a lovely place to blow off some cobwebs. The weather has been great this week to be able to get out and about. Thanks for sharing. #countrykids
They have enjoyed it. Looks liek this week is going to be good too.
I agree its great to get away form the screens and out as a family, and they wont do it if there is the option of an iPad or xbox x
The older two are beginning to successfully control their own screen time. I’m hoping my method teaches them why they need to limit it and also how to. That’s the theory!
This is what I am trying to solve at the moment as my son is not doing anything but play his DS when we are inside the house. Being unplugged is an amazing way to experience nature. Such a lovely thing to do!
Also I just read your other post and the thoughts are still in my head. Such lovely post!
The screen is so tempting and easy to lose time. I don’t think my youngest would move from it, if I didn’t insist. Hope you find a way forward.
What a lovely week, full of action! They have got out and enjoyed the beautiful outdoors, and the weather has been just perfect for it, hasn’t it? Love the napping dog shot x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Easiest time to take a photo of either of the dogs, when they are asleep. Yes, it’s good to be getting out.
It sounds like it has been a great week, I love the idea of the bike trail by your house. We are also surrounded by fields but no where great to rides the bikes, there are some terrific hills. Mich x #CountryKids
It’s bit of a relief that they can cycle without even crossing a road. We have a narrow lane, with no pavements, that people drive too fast along. Not great for letting them go off by themselves. This track is fairly flat and quiet.
What a wonderful way in which to spend the day. #WotW
Isn’t it just? Wish I could join them more often.
Why can’t you? #CountryKidsFun.
It would be good, but last week I was working. Albeit from home. No bad thing for them not to have a parent tagging along.
That’s brilliant they’ve got all the space to explore nad are happy to go out together. #countrykids
They do get on well….most of the time!
Sounds like you’ve had a busy time! Beautiful woods-you’ve taken some stunning photos. #countrykids
If I lived there I would be out a lot too! Luckily we are mixing screen and outdoor time here to get a balance
Gorgeous photos. It looks like you are having a lovely week. The woods look beautiful! It’s lovely to see children having the chance to be children.
Could not agree more about children having time to be children.
I could quite easily join your dog napping!! Sounds like a perfect week. #wotw
I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.
I am just starting to limit screen time we are at he stage where a crying fit entails each time but I know it won’t last for long. The bike trail sounds brilliant. Look forward to hearing about the kitchen garden. #CountryKids
I hope the screen limiting gets easier. I still have a fair amount of negotiating for extra time. Hang in there!
Such a great way to spend the week. I love watching M riding his bike up and down the muddy paths near our home. #Countrykids
Childhood and bikes go together so well.
Wow that looks like an amazing week, getting out and about in the sunshine. I’m transfixed by that spiral plant, I haven’t seen anything like it before! #CountryKids
It’s a fern unfurling. So beautiful.