AlphabetPhoto: X is for Xylophone

outdoor xylophone

I have long dreamt about having an outdoor music area. Whenever we’ve come across one in our travels, the children will home in on it straight away. I think it would work in our garden. The children are beyond the stage of just whacking out the notes. They play tunes they know. Although, if it was in our garden, maybe neighbours might let out a sigh of relief when the 50th version of “Doh, Ray, Me” drew to its well anticipated end. Or bedtime. Which ever came first.

This is an outdoor xylophone we stumbled on at the Eden Project, this summer. I love the gently weathered wood and the presumably recycled pipes. Add the knowledge of a musician to create the perfect notes, with an enthusiastic boy thrown in to play it, and the resulting music is even sweeter.

Just need to remind him to tie his laces.

Joining in with #AlphabetPhoto again this week. Can’t believe we’re on X, which has been the most challenging photo to choose so far. So how about you? What would your X be?


  1. Great photo, and great X, it’s made me realise that I could have done this too, have a great shot of the boys playing one 🙂 Love that you noticed that his shoe laces were untied x

  2. Oh I just love this… so much… Have to show my kids, maybe they will be inspired to make one… its not like we bother the neighbors with trumpeting already!!!

  3. What a brilliant Xylophone! A music area in the back garden is such a great idea, I think we might have to work on something like that next summer!

  4. Outdoor xylophones are so much fun! We’ve got one on the island of Unst built into a boat by the ferry terminal. I never thought of using that for my X photo – I went for the tenuous link of the Greek word for map, instead (which shows up as gobbledegook in Commentluv!) 🙂

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