AlphabetPhoto: W is for Wasn’t Me

wasnt me

Just outside our front door is a flower bed. Although it had a variety of interesting plants that flowered throughout the year,  it was a bit over grown and out of control. Not the first impression we’d like to give visitors. Last weekend, Main-Dog-Walker (aka husband) cleared it.

Our Ungardener (aka Pup) was miffed. She loves to dig out plants, but missed out on this job. Somehow shut indoors during the whole operation. She considers the work she did to unplant my new lavender hedge, to be solid proof of her usefulness in all garden demolition jobs. Surely she could have helped.

But maybe Main-Dog-Walker wasn’t meant to do it. Maybe he’s in trouble. Maybe it’s time to make sure everyone knows it wasn’t me this time. I’ll just lie down in it, until someone notices. So obvious that it wasn’t me.

Joining in with  #AlphabetPhoto. W is for Wasn’t Me.


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