There is something heart warming about a nature find or seeds cupped in a child’s hands. Offered up for the camera lens to capture. For a parent to admire. I will never ever tire of seeing this wish to share.
Linking up with #AlphabetPhoto. My H is for hands.
It is wonderful when they want to show us what they’ve found, such amazing enthusiasm x
Full of enthusiasm.
Love this, both the words and photo.
Thank you. Sums up our family life quite well.
oh I love seeing children’s grubby outdoor hands. True childhood hands. x
The ungrubby ones are harder to find around here. Who can blame them. Sinking hands into warm compost is all part of the growing season.
This is a “caption this” kind of photo. Love it!
ha! Hadn’t thought of that. *goes off to wonder….*
Thats a lovely photo and whats lovelier is that your model not only posed but also volunteered =) #alphabetphoto
You’re right. Even better when they ask for me to take a photo of it. Kept forever.
That’s a lovely take on hands too #alphabetphoto
What a great H. When I first saw this picture, I wasn’t expecting H but the words are perfect
Intriguing how one photo can produce different reactions.
Grace says – I love this time of year when we start planting seeds and watching them grow. This is an awesome H
We love the growing season too. Thanks.