When I finish a big craft project, I like to clear out my work basket. I should really do this at the end of each project, whether its big or small. Now I’ve finished the hexagon patchwork quilt, it is time to bring some order. I have cupboards to hide store my wool, fabric, dusty work-in-progresses and bath bomb kit in. I have a large sewing box that houses my sewing kit, ribbons, buttons and other bits and bobs, but my work basket holds all my on-the-go projects. When I have a moment, it is this basket that offers up everything I need for my active projects. It is the only crafting material on show, so it needs to be tidy.
I try hard to have just one sewing and one knitting project in this basket. Inevitably, two sewing projects will be in there. One project is for sitting down and doing when I need to be with the children. I can hand sew and listen to them read or test them on their times tables. Or just listen. I have learnt that knitting is less successful at these times. When you are counting stitches and listening to maths answers, the two become horribly entwined.
My sewing project is an even older work-in-progress patchwork cushion cover. My mother started this 30 years ago and I picked it up a few years later. It needs finishing. I have a cushion ready for it and I can use some more of my home-made binding tape. The fabric underneath is for pyjamas for the girls and needs the sewing machine. It will wait for an evening when all the children are in bed and I can concentrate.
As I’ve just finished a pair of socks, the only knitting project in the basket is my patchwork knitted blanket. The pile is growing slowly. This is a great project to be taking into the Spring. It is easy to pick up, yields quick results and does not have to be finished before a child grows out of it.
I’m now left with a tempting and inspiring work basket for me to see. All my other craft things are hidden safely away and will not distract me. (I hope…..)
So, what are you working on at the moment?
That work basket looks so tempting! My basket is extremely empty at the moment, I seem to have been finishing up a lot of projects and not replacing them….don’t worry though I am sure it will soon fill up again! Today I finished another Mama’s bag (pictures soon) and I am working away at a pair of socks I started last year…think I need to go and check out my books and get a bit of inspiration!
I’m sure that you will soon fill your work basket. Amazing how inspiration hits.
I love your work basket. I could never aspire to being so organised, I have piles of bags all over the place housing my various crochet works in progress.
Anne xx
I still have older half started projects in the cupboard, but I need to take baby steps through them. One project at a time. Or maybe a few at a time.
My basket is very full with lots of half done projects. I should stick to one at a time. I think I will try to after reading your post. Your work in progress projects are lovely!
I find an organized work basket makes me want to finish a project or two. It soon gets messy as the project goes on though
How lovely and tidy it is you work basket. I have many project bags all over the house! I manage to keep good track of the projects in them, but I wish they’d look as beautiful as your basket. I was wondering what happened to your patchwork knitted blanket. As I slowed down on blog reading for a while I thought I had missed the grand finalle. Looking forward to new squares!
The blanket was put on hold for more urgent projects, but hopefully I can get a few more squares knitted up before the garden takes all my time again.
Those socks look lovely. They go perfectly with the pj’s and what a great idea about having darker souls…very practical.
I know what you mean about having two books on the go at once. I’m still enjoying reading Sophie’s World but it’s not exactly something that you can yourself in (well I can’t!) but I’m also reading The Help and I get lost in the narrative…once I begin reading I’m in a different world.
Oh and your muffin looks yummy…I’m supposed to be dashing out to make a fruit cake…I must get a riddle on…bye for now…
It has to be the right balance of books to work. I remember reading Sophie’s world. One to concentrate on for sure! Enjoy your fruit cake.
That basket of yours looks very inviting. So many wonderful creations to call to you in crafty moments. All there, neatly waiting, so easy to pick up. A very nice tidying job!
Its a bit like putting on blinkers. I only see the craft projects in the basket, so I do them…. unfortunately I can’t quite forget all the other projects hiding away
I don’t have a project work basket…what a clever idea ..just what I need !
Yours looks very organized and inviting…..(goes away to copy)
It really does help to motivate me.