Take two bored children, one beautiful day and the shade of a tree, and you have the perfect recipe for a tie dye Sunday.
Fabric twisted and dyed. Now wrapped up to set. No rights or wrongs. Just anticipation about how it will turn out.
Memories made if nothing else.
WOw that sounds fun, I look forward to seeing how they come out
Thank you for linking up
They are test bits, so if they work out it is a bonus. The next project is the exciting one for the children.
I loved doing tie dye when I studied textiles. Couldn’t wait to see how it turned out! Loved this shot!
Thanks Emma. Lucky you studying textiles!
Love tie dying, the results are always interesting to see, that’s interesting in a good way
You can never quite guarantee how it is going to work out. Laughing at your “interesting”. Didn’t think you meant anything else!
Ooh, I’ve not done tie-dying since school. Will be fun to see how they turn out.
We haven’t done it for a few years. This is a practise before a big project.
I love your Sunday activity with no rights or wrongs, and the image of you all in the shade of a tree! I also think it great for kids to learn to wait and see the results these days… what fun! Actually having seen your comment on my almsgiving in Laos, I went to a really good handicraft centre in Luang Prabang where they were doing wonderful tie-dying, I’m sure all your family would have loved it!
Wren x
I think they would too. Youngest was keen to have a look at his tie dye this morning before school, but I persuaded him that it would be worth waiting. I’ll admit, the combination of wet dye and school uniform just before we left, was not my idea of good start to the day!
I love garments that are tie-dying tho I’ve never actually done it. Looking forward to seeing the results and I love your photo. #MMBC
No two are quite alike, so we’re looking forward to it too. You’ll have to try it one day. It is fun.
I’ve always wanted to try this but never did, it looks so much fun! please let us know how it turns out! like you said, regardless of what the results are, its the memories that count! #MMBC
It is fun. I’m hoping they will be pleased with the results.
I’ve never done this, but my eldest did and loved it. Can’t wait to see how they turned out #MMBC x
Always fun to see how it turns out.
My kids loving doing this too. We did it with beetroot juice last year after pickling a load. It was a great colour. Hope it looks fabulous
It is a great activity to do with children. Transforming fabric from one colour to another. I bet beetroot dyes successfully. I do want to do more natural plant dyes.
Ahh! How fab! I hope they turned out well.
We’ll find out this evening!!!
What a fab idea X #mysundayphoto
Thank you!
What bright and wonderful colours. I thought they were eggs when I clicked on the thumb nail. This is even better and less caloriestoo. #MySundayPhoto
I see what you mean about eggs. They could be. Especially with Easter not long gone. I can confirm that no calories were gained, in fact some were probably lost.
Hi Cheryl, I have never tie dyed anything so have no idea how it’s done. I bet unwrapping it to see the final creation is exciting.
I don’t think I’ll ever tire of seeing how the patterns turn out each time we unwrap the cloth.
That sounds like fun. Haven’t done tie-dying for years! I hope they turned out well
The dye was a bit old, but at least we could practise technique.