A Saturday filled with sewing and ensuring that everyone got to the places they needed to. A game of Monopoly that went on long, and brought out an interesting side of the participants. DIY going on in one room. Dogs acting as sofa weights, and the wood stove lit, in another. Yes. Just a typical Saturday.
The only difference was that the sewing was not mine. It was the Middle One’s. She made a patchwork cushion for a best friend, as a birthday present. I love that she chooses to make her gift, rather than heading for the shops.
At 10 years old, and having made this design before, she is very competent using the sewing machine. It took almost as long to select the combination of fabrics, as it took to construct it. I hope her friend likes it.
While searching for craft supplies, I found the tin with the earth candles we made a little while ago. Perfect for our breakfast table candle, this season. Another treasured family tradition. A gentle glow at the start of the day, when the sun has not risen, but we have started the day.
I used millet to provide balance for the inevitable, wibbly wobbly bases of the candles. Sea glass and stones from our beachcombing to add interest.
I couldn’t resist lighting the candles last night. The bees wax adds a gentle aroma at the end of an on-the-go day. Breathe.
This post is almost an exact mirror image of our Saturday.
Eldest sewed her first ever cushion on the sewing machine, and was thrilled with it.
And as the nights draw in we pulled out our large supply of homemade candles.
We have never thought to burn them at breakfast though – what a glorious idea
You must try a candle on the breakfast table. Makes it easier to get up and get going when, it’s still dark outside. Lots of competition to blow out the candle at the end.
I love the earth candle, we have been lighting our candles first thing and at the end of the day, lovely!
The cushion looks great, hope the recipient loves it too!
Children thought I’d lost my marbles when we made the earth candles. Loved making them. Very easy too.