A Maze in the Meadow

meadow maze at MarkI love meadows and I love mazes. What could be better than to bring both together. We found a pub, last weekend that cuts a maze into their meadow. The White Horse Inn in Mark. There is an aerial photo on their website.

maze at Mark

The green banner in the middle marks the centre and was the target. All three children enjoyed walking/running/jogging around the maze. They must have played for a good half an hour. No cheating. It’s meant to take about 15 minutes, but they had so much fun, they kept on going around.  Making their way along the paths. Other children joined in, but they didn’t seem to meet each other.

We leave part of our garden to grow into long grass each year, and mow paths through it, so we can enjoy it. The insects soon find it. There is nothing better than sitting in the middle of  the long grass, on a warm day, and spotting all the mini-beasts. I can only imagine how many insects are attracted to the pub’s maze.

meadow maze at Mark 2This is such a great idea. I can imagine it’s a hit with all the children (and adults) as well as the bugs. I suspect we will be dropping in again before the meadow receives its final mow of the year.


  1. It is a wonderful idea and full respect to the pub for making it work,. We used to have a large meadow garden and tried to create the same, however the sections between the paths filled with stinging nettles and brambles which was not the effect we wanted at all. I’d love to know how the pub manages theirs. It certainly looks a lot of fun and spread over a wide enough area to make it a good challenge.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

    1. Sounds like you have fertile ground. We don’t have many nettles in our meadow grass, but do in the rest of the garden. It may be down to the timing of the cut. We keep ours short for the mining bees and once they have gone, then it’s allowed to grow.

  2. What a wonderful place and idea. Not surprised you plan a return visit. We’ve let part of our garden turn into a wild flower meadow – just wish it was bigger now so we could have a maze too!

  3. Same here. I love meadows and mazes too! We have a little meadow in our new house… Well, really tiny. We have some wild flowers growing there, so every time we mow the lawn, we avoid that area and actually want the grass to grow longer there 🙂 #countrykids.

  4. Oh my, this is a fantastic idea. Your kids looks like having so much, should be interesting and even more fun when the grass grows even taller. xx

  5. Wow, I would love a garden where I could leave the grass long to grow. Great that your kids managed to spend so long running around the maze. What a beautiful idea #countrykids

  6. I love the long grass and we used to make our own mazes in cornfields when we were young. It must have driven the poor farmer mad.

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