Colourful Rainy Day Crafts

rainy day craft activities

There are two choices for how to entertain the children on a rainy day at this time of year. Either throw on the waterproof gear, go out and enjoy it, or break open the craft materials.

Here are ten of our favourite colourful rainy day craft activities to do with the children:fabric pompom rainbow garland2

1. Make a fabric pom pom rainbow bunting. We used coloured netting, but any strips of fabric should do.

A tshirt

2. Paint a tshirt. Could use an old tshirt or a pre washed new one. We used bottle tops and fabric paint to create a colourful letter on tshirts.

smiling dragonfly craft w

3. Make a mini-beast. We love dragonflies. Used a peg and felt tips to make our own version, which to this day, still live on the fridge, thanks to the magnets attached.

children decorated birthday cake

4. Make a graffiti cake. Break out the icing pens and gels. You provide the cake and they provide the enthusiasm.

toilet roll tube magnetic marble run

5. Gather up toilet roll tubes, paints, marbles and magnets to make a magnetic marble run. The more colourful the paint, the better. Hours of fun making and playing.

painted foot

6. Paint feet or hands and make colourful prints. We made cards ready to send on birthdays.

handful of painted acorn craft 2

7. Make a cardboard maze and paint some colourful characters to race around it. Ours are made from acorns, but it could be stones or anything that is small enough and round.

blow fish

8. Have a fish race. Just need paper, felt tips, string and a straw.

Origami mouse 18

9. Make an army of origami mice. Colourful paper and patience essential.

snail race wrestling

10. Make a circular snail racing board. As colourful as you like, although avoid textured surfaces as snails don’t like travelling over them. Easy to find snails on a rainy day. Just remember to return them from where ever you found them.

Hope you found something to brighten up a rainy day. Who knows. It may even scare away the rain clouds. No promises.



  1. Lots of great ideas here. Bottle tops are a favourite in our house and my little ones would love the t-shirt & fabric paint idea!

    1. Youngest wanted to make a dotty pattern. The bottle tops helped to make a clear image. He had so much fun doing it. They all did.

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