Feeding the birds


We headed off to Slimbridge to spot some of the migratory birds, this week. It is one of our favourite places.

Clutching a bag of seed each, the children headed out to make friends again with all the wonderful geese, ducks and other resident birds.

swan feeding sign

The swans are free to wander, but they have obviously learnt that this is the best place to wait for feeding. Or is it that they can read?

feeding swan

Whichever it is, everyone enjoyed the interaction.

white fronted geese

There are plenty of other birds ready to join in.

feeding Hawaiian goose

AJ has a particular soft spot for the Hawaiian geese. Spending time with these good-natured birds never fails to make her smile.

It’s impossible to measure how much the children gain from days like this, but I know that their understanding and love of other species grows.

bug house

It’s not all about feeding. There are plenty of places to learn about conservation of endangered birds, mammals and bugs. I’m impressed by the bug houses dotted around the place. Inspiring to see all the recycled materials being used.

river otters

The river otters put on a wonderful display. So thrilling to watch them glide and roll in the water, closely observing us as much as we were watching them.

white faced whistling duck

Our knowledge grows as we discover Whistling ducks really live up to their name.


lots of geese

Everywhere we go there are still plenty more birds queueing up to be fed. Still three willing children to hold out their hands filled with corn.

feeding geese 2

It takes team work.


Always wonderful to see the cranes. It is a thrill when we spot the cranes on the Somerset Levels and have seen them flying over the house, but at Slimbridge it is easier to study them.

slimbridge play area

After all that feeding, time spent in the play area was well received. Never ceases to amaze me how long they can play. They opted to play rather than spend time in the hides. Next time. There is also a welly park, where they can splash in streams and a bridge to play Pooh sticks.

feeding geese

And just to prove that it’s not all about the children, feeding the geese is a good way for anyone, of any age, to spend some time outside.

It’s Friday. That can only mean its time to join in with all the hardy #CountryKids. An inspirational linky hosted by the hard-working Fiona over at Coombe Mill. Hop over and have a look.


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


    1. I love that they can be close to the birds. The children still need to win the birds’ trust. A really lovely place to learn that if you are patient the birds will choose your hand to feed from. Almost left that first photo out!

  1. Great photos. We are hoping to visit our local wildlife wetlands trust next week. Viewing animals & nature in the different seasons is so interesting :):) my lil stud adores feeding the birds & gettin so close to the confident ones #countrykids

    1. I can highly recommend a visit. Visually it is very stimulating. My last Slimbridge post had more photos of the beautiful ducks. Worth a visit in their own right. Not forgetting the flamingos. I hope you manage a visit.

  2. Wow what a wonderful place to visit, it looks beautiful too. The kids look like they’re having a great time although that swan it a bit keen!

    1. The swans are free to wander everywhere, but I love that there is a place that they associate with food that puts a barrier between you and these magnificant birds. It takes the edge away and you can enjoy being close.

    1. The otters posed so beautifully for me. Then they bumbled off up the slope and disappeared. The photo is taken through glass. Not ideal but better than missing the moment.

  3. What a delightful afternoon you all had. I think your girls would be in their element feeding our ducks and chickens here too. So many are a little scared to let the birds feed from their hands but your children are clearly loving it and the geese look very well behaved too. The pictures tell your story as always so well. Thank you for joining in.

    1. They are fairly confident with birds. Probably helps that they are all hands on with our chickens. I think they would love to visit your place. I can quite understand why small children might find it overwhelming to hand feed birds. So glad there are places like yours that help to share the joy.

  4. Wow, what a great place! The boys would love to do that… they love feeding ducks and birds but they would never come close enough to actually feed them like that, we have to throw the feed! And look at all them swans! I’ve never seen so many in one place! xx

    1. Thinking about it, swans on the Levels go around in big flocks too. I wonder if it is a survival tactic. I suspect at Slimbridge they have figured out it is a safe place with lots of food!

  5. what fantastic photos! i know swans are large birds, but i’m always amazed at precisely how large they are!!
    i’m going to have to go google up whistling ducks so i can hear the noise they make!

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