Beware. There be fire breathing dragons abroad.

Busy weekend, but there is always time to fit in a little bit of creative magic time with the children. I’m re-reading the Dragons of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey, so when I saw a fire breathing dragon on Pinterest, I knew we had to make one. Okay, three. Making just one of anything seldom happens.

Toilet rolls and egg cartons were put aside. Instead of the ball shaped eyes of the original pin, I knew I needed pasta. It is the first time I have stood in front of the dried pasta in the shop and made my choice entirely based on the pasta’s resemblance to a dragon’s eyes. This could be a whole new way of shopping for me.

I think it was worth it.Β  As the children glued and painted, I kept the fire-breathing part secret. Youngest wanted to know why we were not making wings and tails. Patience. Β He even bought one of his dragons through to show me that dragons do have bodies and wings and tails. Patience. Huh? Patience.

As they created their dragons, I told them the basic story of the dragons in the book I was reading. How the dragons ate firestones to breath fire. They flew, with their riders, andΒ  used their breathe to destroy the red threads that rained down. If they failed then the threads would burrow into the ground and devour all living things that it touched. The Pern books are not children books but they loved the retelling of this part of the story.

We also sang Puff, the Magic Dragon and talked about BL’s latest reading book – Kenny and the Dragon

We added red and orange tissue paper. I showed them how to blow through the back to make the flames flow. It took no time for them to realize that they could hide the tissue paper in the mouths and puff. With great effect.

They spent time pretending to be dragons. Racing around, breathing out flames. Lots of dramatic play and fun.

(Attempting a Harry Potter style photo.)

Crafting magic at it’s best.

Excuse me now.Β  I just need to go and oil my dragon.



  1. The Pern books were my favourites growing up, I have been thinking of introducing them to my eldest who is now showing a similar taste and voracious appitite for reading…that magic photo is wonderful!

    1. Shards! Lucky him with all those books ahead of him! I hope he enjoys them. Youngest loves the book covers and is convinced that he can read them. Maybe another 10 years. And a few more Biff and Chip books.

    1. We still have them and I have to admit that, every now and again, there is a flight of dragons cavorting around the house. Mayhem but lots of fun.

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