Thank you and random photos

I love blog hopping or is it blog surfing. Whichever, I have found some wonderful blogs, by clicking on my favourite blogs’ links in their side bars. Thank you everyone that puts these list together.  I’ve tried to add one to my space, but it slows down the load time to a point that I might as well, print out my posts and pop it into snail mail for anyone who wants to read it. {If any bloggers out there have a favourite widget for doing this, I’d love to know.}

So in the spirit of sharing, and getting back to the point, I have the ideal opportunity to share some of my links and also say thank you to two wonderful bloggers, who are exceedingly good at sharing! Both Phyllis from  All Things Beautiful and Amber from Mama Moontime have passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to me recently. I feel honoured as I love their blogs. I always imagine Phyllis’s home to be filled with so much love and learning, that I know her children are so lucky to have her as their Mamma.

Amber makes the most wonderful things, that I am truly inspired. In fact, hop over (not yet, you’ll miss out on my other links and there is another blogging giveaway to mention) to her blog for a fantastic giveaway and you will see what I mean. I’d love to go to one of her workshops. I have loved her posts on preschool children and I’ve come away with new insight.

So here are the guidelines for acceptance:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award (Check)
  2. Share 7 things about yourself (Check)
  3. Pass it along to 15 blogs  you’ve recently discovered and enjoy (will nine be OK)
  4. Leave your recipients a note telling them about the award (later)
Seven random things to share about myself, which are all trivia and will not change your life!
  1. I used to drink tea by the bucket loads. Since my first pregnancy, I cannot drink it. It smells like mushrooms to me, which is fine for mushrooms, but not as tea. I can now make it for other people, but when pregnant the smell made me physically ill. I can drink herbal and fruit tea, oh and coffee.
  2. I don’t have a favourite season. I love them all.
  3. I would love a caravan. Wonderful memories of holidaying as a child.
  4. I’m hopeless at gossiping. I forget crucial facts when it comes to gossip. I have a good memory for most things, but I think it must be my inbuilt defence against gossiping.
  5. I can bend my thumb backwards.
  6. I love the colour red.
  7. I have a pile of magazines beside my bed, which I need to thin out.
See, nothing life changing.
Now the best part. I can pass this award on to some recent blogs I have found. I’m restricting myself to ones I’ve found in recent months, which is a shame as I’d love to share lots of others, but I can’t say they are recent. So…
Casey at Bumping Along The Road Less Travelled I want to live on her farm. She has a great giveaway at the moment.
Trixi at Coloured Buttons. She does the most wonderful children’s crafts.
Forrest Dweller. Lots of lovely knitting and making. My kind of crafting place.
Abbie at Greening Sam And Avery. I love what this Mamma is doing for her children.
Jenny at Let the Children Play. I love this blog. I have gained so much insight and ideas for playing with TF.
MaryLea at Pink and Green Mama. This blog is literally bulging with good crafting ideas. A happy place to visit.
Redbeet Mama. This is one of those blogs that I come away from feeling so calm.
Sue at The Quince Tree. A blog named after one of my favourite fruits! This is one talented lady.
Anne at Ungardening Moments. She is talented and inspirational.
I know that is only nine, but if you could read some of them twice to make up the number, that would be helpful.
Thank you Phyllis and Amber. I feel twice honoured.
Go and check out the two giveaways at Casey‘s and Amber’s.


  1. Hi Cheryl thanks for the award … much appreciated! I’m glad you enjoy my blog, I’m also enjoying your crafting adventures and love your photos… you live in such a beautiful part of the countryside.

    1. Hi Trixi. Blogging is such a fun way to exchange ideas. It really is great to find another inspirational crafting blog. So many ideas, so little time! Thanks for visiting.

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