Yarn Along August

It’s time for a knitting and book catch up. August Yarn Along already. To be honest, you’d be forgiven for thinking, that it all looks remarkably similar to last month. Just me re-using last month’s photos, perhaps? No. As if! I promise you that there are subtle differences. Progress has been made.

Let me kick off with the book. I’ve almost finished Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimen. I’m enjoying it, despite not giving myself enough time to read. An evening out in the garden is so tempting and rewarding at the moment, that my book is left to gather dust, some days. Not too thick a layer, as I do manage a few chapters every so often. I’m OK with it. I’d rather weed the sweetcorn, at the moment. They won’t need it in November, that’s for sure. Fortunately, this book is forgiving and let’s me pick up the story easily, wherever I left off last.

Knitting, on the other hand, has made more progress. I was working on the left front of my cardigan, last month. This month, I’ve finished both the left, and the right, and I’m over half way up the back. Not the most exciting part, as it is stocking stitch the whole way.

I’m looking forward to moving on to the sleeves. They have the cable stitch panel, which is why I chose King Cole 4076 in the first place. I prefer the concentration of knitting rows that keep me on my toes. Counting and twisting stitches, backwards and forwards, mean that I don’t switch off. I hesitate to use the term mindful, but the more complicated the rows, the more I’m there in the moment, and not thinking about my next unrelated task.

Although, knitting is currently on hold since yesterday. I sliced my finger. The irony is not lost on me. Need to start applying the art of mindfulness to food prep and be more in the moment when slicing veg. Sharp knives and wandering thoughts do not mix. No sympathy please. I don’t deserve it.

Next book is waiting in the wings, so hopefully, this time next month my knitting and book will have changed. Well, book at least. Fingers (carefully) crossed.

Linking up with the lovely Ginny’s Yarn Along. What are you all reading and knitting?


  1. Ok, no sympathy (but so easy to do! ouch!)… that red cardigan is going to be lovely! I can see why you love being absorbed in doing this knitting! Hope you have a peaceful rest of your week!

  2. I hope your finger heals quickly. I tend to be a finger menace in the kitchen. I don’t enjoy cooking (baking yes, cooking no), so my mind is usually wandering as I prepare meals. Your cardigan is very pretty.

  3. I love knitting for the fact it keeps my mind off of other things. When the weather has been nice I have been reading in the garden, it is one of the things I love about summer. Looking forward to seeing your finished cardigan.

  4. When I was a pre-schooler my family lived in a house with 3 fig trees in the back yard. My siblings and I spent lots of time climbing and playing with the trees. Also fresh figs are wonderful and my mother also preserved the figs. You brought sweet memories back to me. Thanks! #MMBC

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