
Today is the start of the Easter holidays for us. Over two weeks of the teens and tween being around. I say being around, but I daresay there will be a fair amount of dropping them off elsewhere and reminding them to be back by a set time. Easter holidays are very different now they are older. I still have a few things planned for us all to do together, but I am glad that they are finding their feet.

Anyway this week. Start of April. We turned over the calendar and realised that it’s going to be a busy month. Cricket starts up again this month. I think both the boy and I are looking forward to it. Need to check if his kit still fits him. Watching him play hockey recently, made me realise how much he’s stretched up this year.

We had parents evening for him this week too. First time at his new school. He’s settled in well and is a surprisingly all rounder. I couldn’t help smiling when his French teacher told us that we had another linguist on our hands.

First seedlings have burst out of the soil and started growing. One for my Christmas meal plan. These are brussel sprout. I have a few more different seeds to plant this weekend. Our window sills will be weighed down with pots and trays of sprouting seeds before long. I love this stage of the growing season. No pests or weeds to deal with.

Also in the garden, flowers are appearing, like old friends. The alpine anemone, in the top photo is an old faithful. Each year it produces at least one flower. Originally, eldest had it in a miniature garden she made for a school competition. Must be 11 years ago. Afterwards we added it to an alpine trough and it has done well ever since. I would have probably forgotten about her entering the competition, if the plant had not survived. Now, I have an annual reminder.

I haven’t started my new fabric, we bought for Mothers Day. Still neatly stacked up. In fact, I’ve not been sewing at all this week. My jumper knitting, on the other hand, is progressing at a rate. I’m on the home straight. Working my way up the second arm. Fingers crossed I should be wearing it before the month is out, which means the weather will warm up.  The sun will be out, heralding the end of jumper wearing season. You can all thank me later.

Something tells me that life is going to get a lot busier this month. March was definitely a lull before the storm.

Joining in with Anne’s Word of the week. My word is start.

Raisie Bay



  1. I’m a little envious of your Easter hols starting, we have a whole other week before our school closes. It sounds like your garden is really coming to life , I would love to grow more in our garden but at the moment the only thing I seem to do well with is strawberries. Hope you have a lovely weekend x

    1. Strawberries are the one thing, I’m not very good with. Alpine strawberries are fine. Probably because I neglect them, the others…not. Funny as we do live near a big strawberry growing area. Easier for me to buy.

  2. haha, I had to laugh about your jumper, I’m on the first sleeve of my chrochet jumper and I just know it’s going to be too warm to wear it when it’s finished. I’m glad your boy is getting on well at his new school and I hope you all have a lovely break. My three have another week at school yet!
    Thanks for linking up to #wotw xx

  3. Hooray for the Easter holidays. We started ours today too! I have planned nothing this time apart from a bit of baking and maybe a cinema trip.
    Good luck with the cricket. I hope the kit still fits!
    It sounds like the growing is going well.
    Get on with knitting that jumper so we can have some warm weather. hehehe

  4. Love the annual reminder of the alpine anemone. What a wonderful little memory to pop up each year.
    Your new fabric looks beautiful! I do love getting stuck into a new project. Have a lovely Easter break with your family. x #MMBC

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