An independent owl

making an owl softie 5“I’d like to do some sewing.”

I cannot lie. I do love that sentence. Especially when it is said by one of my children. For a split moment, I’m tempted to suggest all sorts of fun sewing projects, but I don’t.

“What would you like to sew?”

making an owl softie 2“I don’t know.”

She wanders away.

Darn. Have I missed my opportunity to encourage her? I should have said something else.

A few minutes later, she returns with a book. Phew. She was just checking out which book to use from our rather large library of beginner’s sewing. I’m impressed that she selected one so quicky. It usually takes me longer. I’ve been known to take all evening and still not decide.

making an owl softie 3“I’d like to make an owl.”

A good choice. We have all the materials. It is fairly simple. She can use the sewing machine. She selects the fabric I used for the bean bags.

“Would you like some help?”

“No thanks. I’ve got this one.”

making an owl softie 4For once, it feels good not to be needed. She knows what to do. Making changes as she goes along. I should have seen it coming, this independent spirit of mine. It is the same when she is baking. She doesn’t need me as much.

making an owl softieShe’s pleased with her owl, and so am I. Her confidence is growing. She knows she can do it. Not just in sewing, but in so many areas of her life. It’s a joy to watch.

I wonder what she’ll chose to do next time.


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