Christmas Jumper Day

Homemade Christmas Jumpers

Seeing one of the children rushing out of school, clutching a note, has one of three effects on me. A sense of dread (small slip of paper, typically, letting you know that they have unwelcome guests in the classroom  – nits), sense of the inevitable  (sponsorship or school trip requests – reach for purse, again) or sense of joy (a creative challenge -Yeh!) I love the latter, but I guess it might make other parents groan and, again, reach for their purses/wallets.

fox christmas jumper

This year, the primary school is joining in with Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. Just as I was bemoaning the fact that all my children are now too old to be in the nativity play. The thought of no costume making this year. Instead I had jumper-making to look forward to and plus its a charity I like.

Youngest was easy. Finally settled on using an old jumper of his which had a fox on it. He helped design, but was happy for me to do most of the work! I stitched on the words. Ummed and Ahhed over “Xmas” or “Christmas” but time became a factor. The jaunty Christmas hat, which is perfect for a sneaky fox, came from a toddler jumper I hand knitted years ago and then felted (sob). The white feather boa was left over from an angel outfit from years ago.

He’s happy.

polar bear christmas jumper

Middling wanted to do her own. We found a slightly too big jumper, but lovely festive colour, for her to use. She raided my scrap bag and sequin box, and went for it. I offered to knit her the scarf, but the rest is all hers. This morning I suggested she used some of my 3-D fabric paint to add snow to some of the trees. Five minutes before we left for school, as I stood, using the hair dryer to make the paint set, I did wonder if I should keep my creative suggestions to myself.

She went off happy.

I’m pleased that the school encouraged the children to make their own. They could either wear a shop bought jumper or have fun designing their own, so no-one should feel left out. (Unless they forgot. Like I do sometimes.) My children had fun, and this morning ran into school, clutching their donation money.

(No nits or purses were harmed in this activity)

Are you sporting a Christmas jumper today?


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