AlphabetPhoto : J is for juxtaposition and journey



Juxtaposition:the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. (Oxford Dictionary)

Eldest is away on her travels. The second big adventure away from us, in the same number of years. This time, she is further afield. I can’t as easily jump in a car and drive a couple of hours to pick her up. She is further afield.

When I took this photo, I didn’t take much notice of the background. The contrast of her travel kit and the warmth of the kitchen behind. It strikes me now as a juxtaposition. The contrast of her organization and well thought out planning, to the chaotic, warm nature of our family kitchen. One to stay and one to move, but the contrast doesn’t stop there.

When she returns, to her it will feel like she’s been gone a month. To us, a matter of days.

When she returns, she will have gained so many new experiences and skills. We will have stayed the same.

When she returns, she will be full of stories to tell. We will have little new to add.

In the few days she will have grown, as if time has moved more quickly for her and allowed her to pack more in. The contrast will be amazing. As a parent, there are few other times when you can measure the growth of a child so remarkably. One of the joys of parenting.


In the meantime, if you don’t mind, I’ll be needing extra chocolate!

(edited: I did hint to her that she could bring some chocolate back for me us.)


Joining in with the talented Charly over at Podcast, with the #AlphabetPhoto


  1. Hard for you to let her go alone, but such a wonderful experience for her. Love your choice of word, photo and post x #alphabetphoto

  2. It is difficult letting go, but at the same time I’m excited for her. At her age, I was having big adventures. I know how much she will gain. Wish I was there to see it too.

  3. My boy is 3, so him going off on his travels is a while away yet but I’m imagine it’s a bigger step for us then it is for them in some ways. A great J though, how clever that you spotted this one in your photograph. #alphabetphoto

    1. I remember my first adventures, so well. It is exciting and I would always encourage her to go. Can’t wait to hear what she’s been up to!

  4. I dread the day my two start leaving home off on their adventures! I hope she has a brilliant time and wishing you lots of luck to get through it!

  5. Gosh that must be so hard but she’ll have the best time and you’ll no doubt hear all about it. Must be so strange without her there, I am sending you virtual chocolate! Lovely post though, thank you so much for sharing #alphabetphoto

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