Valentine birds

We have old buildings around us, which have the most perfect roofs for nesting sparrows. In fact each year, we have mobs of sparrows. The male sparrows spend considerable time, bringing all types of nesting material to build the best nest ever, in their chosen spots under the eaves. They are sociable birds so they nest quite close together and are not against raiding each other’s nests for materials.

Once built, the male sparrows line up on the rain gutters and sing their little hearts out. Competing to attract a passing female sparrow. It’s noisy, in a nice way. Then again, the garden is full of all sorts of tweeting birds. They sense spring.

Every year, there will be one male sparrow that is left sitting on the gutter. Tweeting. A female may pop in and then move on. She might even lift some dry grass as she goes. He persists. It becomes a family pastime to cheer him on. Quietly.

Sadly this year, the main sparrow roof is being repaired. It is far too busy for the sparrows to settle. We are going to miss spying on the latest nest materials to be used. There is always something unusual, that one member of our family spot, being dragged in. We’ll even miss the lonely sparrow.

It only seemed right to add a pair of nesting birds to our valentine garland. Robins instead of sparrows.



    1. We have a couple of robins whose territories overlap in our garden. They are trying to out compete each other with song at the moment. Not a pretty song, but you can’t miss it!

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