On the craft table

A dull and dreary day at the cottage. Not helped that all three children have trooped back to school today. I miss having them under my feet. It’s too quiet. Where is the sound of squabbling irrepressible giggles from downstairs?

I’m not sure the fridge light is working. I can’t see it anymore when I open the door. There are cartons of juice and a bowl of tomatoes blocking my view. Sigh. Another sign that the children are elsewhere. The fridge has not emptied within minutes of them waking.

My washing pile is full of bath towels not muddy trousers, and the boots stay tidy by the front door.


Summer is over.

It has been a good summer. We’ve done a lot. Craft wise, I have sewn more this summer than I have ever before. If I’m honest with myself, it has been my therapy, as I still feel the loss of my old hound. She’d have loved the holidays.

The upside is that I have sewn four dresses and one blouse (links at end of this post). I’m happily wearing each of them. Except the blue one. That’s my daughter’s.

I’ve already moved on to the next season. The Boy’s hoodie is coming on in leaps and bounds. I’ve knitted the front, back and one sleeve. Progress on the second arm is going well. I keep checking each piece against him to make sure its the right size. So far, so good.

It feels like I have a lot riding on this knitting. My children are happy with socks and hats I knit them, but jumpers have been off the list for a long time. If I can get this right, then maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to knit more for them. Softly, softly.

I did ask Middle child if she would like a hoodie too, as I happily click, clicked my needles on this one, smiling at my renewed ability to knit for my little ones once more.

Yeh, ” she said, ” but I’ll only wear it in the house.

I’m still undecided if that is a good thing.

On the sewing table is a wool skirt. I cut this out a while back, but then got cold feet about whether it would fit me. It bubbled up to the top of my work in progress pile recently. It should be perfect for me now. A summer of healthy eating and plenty of exercise has had a beneficial effect on my hips. Well, all of me really.

The fabric is 100% navy wool. It was an end of the roll remnant I bought online a few years ago. When it arrived, I spotted that it had “cashmere” woven into the selvedge. It’s certainly super soft and not itchy, but I will line it to ease the wearing and stop it hitching up as I stand up.

Best keep up the healthy eating and exercise. Don’t want to grow out of the skirt before I finish it. Not really a challenge at the moment as the garden is bursting with fresh goodies. Super pleased to find red peppers in the greenhouse when we arrived home.

So, what are you making? Has your house turned thunderously quiet today? How are you adapting to autumn or spring? Are you voting for an indian summer or are you embracing every tree with leaves that are changing colour?

Dresses (clockwise from top left): English garden blouse, Koi fish dress, swirly brown cord, rose dress and blue and lace dress


  1. You are a very talented sewer, beautiful dresses and top! Sounds like your summer has been full and fun. I’m looking forward to Fall here and snow! Oh how we need snow with all the fires burning here in the West;-\

  2. wow, you have been very productive Cheryl. I bet the hoodies will come in super handy for the colder months ahead.
    I’ve recently started to learn how to crochet. I need a little more practice, but looking forward to making various things once I get the hang of it!

    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. Hope to see you next week x

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