
We’ve almost reached the half way mark of the summer holidays. Our holiday rhythm is established. Mainly based on the weather. If the sun is out, then the doors are flung open (and quickly shut behind us, because of the hornets) and the great outdoors beckons. If it rains, then mountains of books are read or sewing completed, in my case.

This week the books seem to be winning the race.

On one bright, sunny day this week, we popped into Bath. A visit to Toppings, the book shop, and the second hand book stall in the Guild Hall market resulted in a few more books for the children and their father.

We also went to see the Dragon exhibition at the Victoria Art Gallery. If you have children, have an hour to kill and are near Bath this summer, I can recommend it. My book loving children were thrilled to see illustrations from their favourite dragon books, hung on the walls. There are activities which would appeal to the 10 and under group. Children can go in free, while it’s £4 for adults.

(lego version of the front cover of  “How to train your dragon”)

Once home, the exhibition inspired a bit of drawing and dragon origami, which I hoped it would, but the books soon took over. I don’t mind. I love to hear them discussing their books with each other. Analysing the stories.

It is all about balance. Over the weekend, their cousin came to visit. We managed one walk, a Park run, plus an evening in the garden, playing cards and toasting marshmallows over the fire, to make smores.

Then back to books… and rain.

(dragon at Bishop’s Palace)

Yesterday, we escaped and spent the afternoon in Wells at the Bishop’s Palace. We’ve been before, but they’ve opened a natural play area, based on a dragon legend, this year. I’m impressed and the children loved it. Dragons and imagination. What more could you ask for? It deserves its own post.

(they “re-jigged” my chalk board message about eating cucumbers)

In other news:

 – We’re learning to live with the hornets and no traps have been deployed.

 – I’m sewing a blouse. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone by using silky fabric. So slippy and liable to fray.

 – We’re in cucumber season (spaghetti squash, apple and cabbage too).  It’s always a problem that the abundance of one food can soon generate groans and eye rolling. I keep reminding the children of the taste of supermarket cucumbers in the winter.

(wings at Bishop’s Palace)

Looking back at the week, books and dragons seemed to be a theme, but I’m going with dragons for my word of the week. After all books happen every week. I don’t often get to indulge my passion for dragons.



  1. What a great word to use to sum up your week. Dragons featured for me, too, as my favourite TV show Game of Thrones had an amazing dragon episode this week! Sounds like you’re having a lovely summer and I do wish we lived nearer to Bath as I know my two would enjoy that exhibition x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

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