
There is something truly satisfying about spying neat lines of seedlings colouring up the kitchen garden’s salad beds. Clearly showing where I scattered the seeds a week or two ago. Perfect germination time. Ambitiously, I’m calculating how long it will be before I’m gathering the first leaves ready for a family meal. In reality, they will be ready, when they are ready and no amount of wishing will change it.

(Froghopper in one of our wild life areas.)

There is something about May that is unhurried. An abundance of growth does not make for a lazy month, but nor is there a sense of jostling for room or time running out. More steady. Like its working through an annual check list with no need to hurry. It will all get done. It always does.

The Boy and I have been monitoring the wild life areas. After the rain this week, it sprang to live. We recorded froghoppers, thick legged beetles, spiked shield bug and more damsel flies than we could count.

The children love to make an unsuspecting hopper hop. A loud click as they flip away.

Also spotted scorpion flies, which the children love to recall how the male will woo a potential mate, by presenting her with a dead fly. I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder, but I’d prefer flowers. Incidently, there is no sting in it’s tail.

Our family life seems to echo the steady approach. Busy without feeling overly rushed off our feet. Getting our checklists done. Clubs attended, work done. Cucumbers planted, jobs completed. Kit beginning to be organized, mending tackled. No mad dash to complete, but steady progress. It will get done. It always does.

(snail crossing the finishing line)

I even managed to finish sewing a pair of pyjamas this week. I’m now free to finish another project, or cut out something else. Finishing and handing over the final piece of work always feels free-ing.

I like May. It is steady. A dependable kind of month.

We’re joining in the Wildlife Trusts #30DaysWild in June. Anyone else?

Joining in #wotw. Couldn’t decide between steady or nature for my word of the week, but who am I kidding? Nature is always a theme in our week.



  1. Wonderful photos, nature is so very beautiful. I’ve been pottering about in the garden more and have been planting and pruning, spotting the creatures abounding out there. it’s so relaxing and enjoyable x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. I attempted to do 30 Days Wild last year and wondered whether it was about to happen again until I saw Craft Invaders were getting involved again. I look forward to reading your posts and feeling inspired. x #WotW

  3. I’ve been out in the garden too. Dismantling veggie beds as I’ve given up trying to grow anything in them in their current location (neighbour’s tree taking over). So only tomatoes this year, need to have a think about redesigning the beds!

    1. That is a shame. I had to move my kitchen garden a few years ago, for the same reason. Worked out well, as the new ground was perfect for growing.

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