Double pointed needles on the go.

hexipuff field

Maybe it’s the drop of the temperature. Maybe the garden needing less attention. Or maybe it’s the ever-growing pile of almost finished projects. Whatever the reason, this weekend, I picked up my hexi puffs. Oh yes. This project is nearing completion.

hexipuff layout

Project was started in January 2013. I intended to make it bigger, but since starting to sew the hexipuffs together, I’m really glad I reduced my ambitions. It is surprisingly heavy.

I’m going for a hexagon shape. Yesterday, I laid it out and discovered that it was morphing into a blob. So out came the scissors, and puffs were cut away. Whole swaths. Enough to bring tears to the eyes. A lot of snarling from me and Sunday lunch put on hold, but I got there in the end. The shape is right and the last ring of hexis are held firmly in place with safety pins,for the moment, just so I don’t lose the shape again.

(Spot the child, who is totally unconcerned that I am in full attack-mode and wielding scissors. He chooses to sit right beside it and draw. So trusting!)

hexi puffs safety pinned

In the process, I discovered I need 9 more hexi puffs, which isn’t so bad. While the children finished homework, I put the scissors away, and dug out the needles and wool. The sound of clicking needles could be heard.

hexipuffs knit

Three down, and six to go. I’m finishing this project – this week.  (Can you hear the determination?) Next time you see these hexi puffs, they will be part of a finished Beekeeper’s Quilt. A “ta-da” moment is imminent.

Sigh. How about you? Has the change in the season seen you returning to a work in progress?



    1. Oh I hope so! I’m still enjoying knitting the hexi-puffs so I may make a chair cushion in the near future. It is addictive.

  1. oh hooray!
    it’s a sea of hexipuffs! nothing but puffs as far as the eye can see!

    your adjustments to the shape look great! there’s not doubt it’s a giant hexagon now!

    1. Finished now. Just need to figure out the best way to photograph it. I’ve had it on my lap, and I can vouch that it’s warm and cosy.

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